February 9 - March 9th, 2023
Ice Box Project Space, Philadelphia
20/92 Video Festival is an annual open call for short video works. 2023's Video Festival featured 19 video pieces under five minutes.
Artists: Matt Frieburghaus, Charley Edward Birkhead, Melissa Langer, Kristen Neville Taylor, Jova Lynne, Lendl Tellington, Brandon Aquino Straus, Allison Kaufman, Tyler Bohm, Kate Stone, Four/Ten Media, Anito Gavino, angel shanel edwards, Samantha Nye, Allen-Golder Mullin Carpenter, Naomi Moser, Tongue, Ryan Wise, Zsolt Gyenes.
Kites, 2021, video, 4:56 min.
a film based on a poem I wrote that imagines a prison free future, where prisons have been so long abandoned that they stand vined over in ruin. Where the tattered remnants of the prisoners discarded uniforms blow free in the wind like tumble weeds and children use them to make kites to fly in the wind. In the film them prison suits are made from paper and tied to string and flown in the wind and set free in the streets. In the usage of paper, think of disposability and mass production, in line with the view people have of the incarcerated population, that through the prison industrial complex, are a backbone to mass production through forced labor making things such as “paper” cups.
Spoken word recorded through the phone in style of a jail verse.